Alternative Guest Book Ideas
Creating Timeless Treasures: Guest Book Ideas that Will Leave a Lasting Impression
A guest book at a wedding used to be the norm. But like many other wedding traditions, the good old fashioned wedding guest book seems to have taken on a new look.
A wedding guest book is used to capture signatures and well wishes from your guests.
But how many of you already married have your guest book on display?
I hazardous a guess not very many.
Why not do something different?
Original wedding guest books lay around for a little while after the wedding, then were put away in a safe place, never to see the light of day again.
So, how about looking at alternative wedding guest book options to capture your guests’ signatures and well wishes?
There are some fantastic options to capture those memories now—things you can display in your home long after the wedding.
Options that allow your guests to be creative too.
Let me show you some alternative guestbook ideas that might spark your creative flair for your own wedding guest book.
so much more than just a collection of your guests’ signatures.
Jigsaw Wedding Guest Book
Are you a puzzle kinda couple?
Then you’re gonna love this as an alternative wedding guest book.
Again there are a couple of ways of doing the jigsaw.
One option would be to have an A1 size photo of the 2 of you printed. One that’s not too dark or colourful.
Maybe one from your pre-wedding photoshoot and have it made into a jigsaw.
If you have 50 guests coming to your wedding, have it cut into 50 pieces.
Take along an A1 size board and paste, or pin, the first part of the jigsaw onto the board before the guests arrive.
Then your guests can choose a jigsaw piece each, write their message, and add it to the next piece.
Or, as shown in the photo, have a small photo of the two of you in the middle.
You could make that part up before the guests arrive to get them started.
The guests then use the blank jigsaw parts to write their names and messages and add them to the jigsaw.
By the time your last guest adds their piece, you have a complete jigsaw again.
You can then have the jigsaw framed.
And hey presto, a piece of wall art for your home

Wishing Stone Wedding Guest Book
Another alternative wedding guest book that won’t break the bank.
Especially if you collect the stones yourself is the Wishing Stone wedding guest book.
A bit more of the outside inside!
You can either collect some stones from local walks or pop along to your local garden centre, where you can pick up bags of rocks in various sizes.
If you’re only having a few guests, then I might be tempted to take a few from your favourite beach.
But I believe taking bucket loads of stones from a beach is illegal.
And we don’t want you starting married life with a record, do we?
Why not decorate a small table and lay the wishing stones out, along with pens for your guests?
Depending on the size of the stone they pick from the table, they can either sign their name or put a few words to you as well.
You will need a container to hold the stones once the guest has signed them. Something suitable for you to take them home in.
Jenga Blocks Wedding Guest Book
If you’re a games couple, what about having a Jenga set as an alternative wedding day guest book?
A block for each guest to write their name and any wishes.
Each Jenga set has 72 blocks in it; depending on the number of guests, you may need more than one pack.
Leave a sign beside the Jenga asking your guests to sign a block.
Another lovely idea for an alternative wedding guest book.
A wedding guest book that’s fun as well.
In the years to come, you can play with this Jenga set, which will always remind you of your wedding day and your family and friends.
Scrap Book Wedding Guest Book
We’ve all been to weddings that had polaroid cameras, or disposable cameras, on the table, and wondered what happened to the photos after the day.
Well, what about getting your guests to make you a scrapbook on the day.
Leave polaroid cameras on each table and ask everyone to take funny or serious photos throughout the day and paste them into a scrapbook.
They can then leave a message for you both too.
I’ve seen some cracking photos in wedding scrapbooks that you know are going to make you laugh for years to come.
On your wedding day, you’re so busy; you often miss much of the craic that’s happening with your guests.
This type of wedding guest book would let you see what they had been up to whilst you were floating between guests.

Cork Wedding Guest Book
Are you wine drinkers?
Have you, by any chance, saved all your corks from the wine or champagne you’ve shared over your time together?
Looking for a way to use them?
What about a simple yet effective wedding guest book option that doesn’t cost the earth?
But don’t worry if you don’t have any saved corks; you can buy new ones on the internet cheaply.
You will also need something to hold the corks once the guests have written on them.
What about engraving a bonnie wee bowl with your names and wedding date on it to hold the corks?
You will also need a pen for this.
Ask your guests to write their messages on the cork and drop them back into the bowl.
Another little keepsake for your new home together.
There are so many fun ways to do alternative Wedding Day Guest Books nowadays they don’t have to be the traditional option anymore.
Get your thinking caps on and see if there is a new way you can capture your guest’s wishes and names and let’s start some new trends.

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