How To Submit M10 Forms In Nairn With every wedding comes the paperwork Before you can be legally married you need to submit the notice of your marriage. Submitting your M10 forms for your wedding, is a pretty important part of getting married, and it has to be...
The Marcliffe Hotel – Aberdeen Wedding Venue Scottish Country Hotel hidden in the heart of the City. I’ve done a couple of weddings at The Marcliffe Hotel, a stunning wedding venue in Aberdeen. Dec 2023 saw me doing a ceremony for Claire and Marc, and September...
Vicki and Andrew’s wedding Vicki and Adrews’s wedding was absolutely cracking. It was a prohibition-style wedding and the decor to match the theme was stunning at The Marcliffe Hotel in Aberdeen. This couple were fun to work with and very in tune...
Gillian and Paul’s wedding Gillian and Paul’s wedding was so much fun. Their wedding day was a celebration of their time together where they were joined by the family and friends for a huge party. It’s knowing that someone loves you...
Union Kirk – Aberdeen Wedding Venue An old church gone rogue June 2024 was my first visit to Union Kirk, and boy is it an amazing wedding venue. Union Kirk started its life as a kirk, as the name suggests, but it has been a few things over its time before it became a...