What To Include On Your Wedding Invitations
Crafting the Perfect Wedding Invitation: Essential Details for Your Guests
You have picked your wedding date and venue, congratulations.
Now it’s time to let everyone know where and when the big day is.
So time to get those wedding invitations designed and sent out.
However, where do you start?
I doubt this is going to be a 5-minute job.
There are so many fabulous wedding stationery designers producing fantastic wedding invitations that it might take a while to find the right designer and actual design for your wedding invitation.
Are you going digital or paper?
That might be the first decision you have to make.
Although just about everything in life these days is digital, I still love to see a paper invitation coming in in the post; there’s just something about it that gets me excited.
Wedding invitations don’t have to be so formal nowadays either; you could come up with some fun ways of doing them.
Your stationery lets guests know what to expect.
Wedding Invitation Suites
Many wedding invitations come now with what they call a suite. It’s when you want to give all your guests the information for your big day all at once.
There’s the actual wedding invitation; then there might be information about the wedding venue, accommodation, transport to the wedding, wedding present list and of course, the RSVP.
An invitation suite keeps the actual wedding invitation nice and clear, not too cluttered with all the other information crammed onto one page.
What To Include On The Wedding Invitation
Couples normally design their wedding invitations around the wedding theme or choose a design that complements their wedding vision.
Wedding invitations aren’t typically A4 size, so let’s look at what generally goes on the actual wedding invitation.
The primary information that you need on your wedding invitation is:-
Who is inviting the guests – are you going traditional and having your parents ask the guests?
Or are you veering away from anything traditional and using your names to invite them?
That’s a personnel choice for each couple to make.
Next, you need the date and time of the ceremony.
Where the ceremony is taking place, and the name of the reception venue if they are in different locations.

Give Them The Dress Code
Some people can tell from the style of the invitation if the wedding is formal or chilled and might know the appropriate dress code, but it’s best to define the dress code.
That way, all your guests come in the same dress code.
You don’t want some thinking it’s chilled, laid back, and turning up in jeans, whilst others are in black tie. So best make the dress code clear on your invitations.
What About The Plus One’s?
Make it clear who you’re inviting to the wedding, is it Mary and Graham, Mary plus 1, or just Mary.
Are their children invited? Make that clear too, or you’re going to get texts asking that question.
Apart from getting the numbers right for your caterer’s, you don’t want someone turning up with a partner you didn’t know about and having no seat for them that could be embarrassing.
Venu, Accommodation and Travel Information
The venue, accommodation and travel information would be best all on one card in your invitation suite.
Here you would give more details about the reception venue, such as the address and postcode, so people can google it. And also their website, email address and phone number.
People like to have a wee nosey around where you’re getting married.

Accommodation For Guests
If you have asked the venue for accommodation rates for your guests, include those details in your invitation suite and give them a deadline to book the accommodation before the offer runs out.
Transport To The Venue
If you are going to provide transport for your guests, say something like “transport will be provided from Town Hall to the Venue.”
Ask your guests to let you know if they would use that option.
If no one comes back saying yes, then it’s one less thing to worry about: and saves you some money.
Wedding Email Address
Have you considered setting up an email address for your wedding?
Having one is beneficial, as anything to do with the wedding would drop into there, and you can give access to anyone in the bridal party helping you out.
It’s not all left to you then.
If you set one up, make sure it’s on your invitation suite and what you want them to do with it.
If guests reply by email, this gives you their emails address. So you can send out transport or any last-minute details further down the lin
Gift List
If you have a gift list, include the link to it on your invitation suite as well.
You would include an RSVP option in your invitation suite.
Is that going to be an electronic or paper copy?
You may decide not to use an RSVP card and ask your guests to respond on your wedding website if you have one or to email you their response.
The older generation likes to see the paper RSVP; it’s also easier for them to reply with one of those.
Are you going to pre-stamp the envelopes for the guests? It’s a sure way of getting the replies back in time if they have stamps on them already.
There have been many occasions when RSVP’s come back, but they have no name on them, so a helpful tip is to number all your RSVP’s and record them on a spreadsheet.
For example, Mary and Graham are number 31, so if they forget to put the names on it, it’s already on your spreadsheet, so when number 31 appears with no names on it, you’re sorted; it’s on your spreadsheet who got that invite.
And there you have it, everything I think you need to include in your wedding invitation and wedding suite if you’re having one.
You could, of course, save yourself money, set up a wedding website, and have all of the above, apart from the actual invitation on the website.
Did you have a wedding invitation suite or just an invitation? Or did you do it all digital?
How did you tell your guests all the other information?
Is there anything that you would include on a wedding invitation that I’ve not included here?

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