Zoe and Ryan’s Wedding
A couple all the way from Canada that have been living in the UK during 2023/204 who wanted a Scottish wedding.
Zoe and Ryan have been here before, together, in a previous life I feel. They were so in tune with each other even their vows were the same and they weren’t shared before the wedding day.

You have known each other from the first glance of acquaintance
to this point of commitment.
At some point, you decided to marry.
From that moment of yes,
to this moment of yes,
indeed, you have been making commitments.in an informal way.

When connections happen…
It was the beginning of a journey,
a connection that went beyond the initial awkwardness

Date & Venue
Drum Castle was the venue for the wedding ceremony on 14th March 2024.
A stunning Aberdeenshire castle perfect for a Canadian wedding ceremony

Zoe and Ryan were a beautiful couple to work with.
So laid back and happy and so much in love and in tune with each other.

wedding guests
The wedding guests had come all the way from Canada for a good Scottish Castle Wedding and were fabulous.
There were tears and happiness throughout the ceremony.

This ceremony was very laid-back and romantic.
We had fun sharing their story and the vows were so special.
Their Story
first date
Zoe and Ryan’s first date was at a local Starbucks, and both were a tad nervous.
This date was a date filled with laughter and sharing of interests,discovering facts about each other’s lives.
As they planned their first holiday at Disney Land, Ryan was planning the proposal.
He got down on that special knee in front of the Disney castle and surprised Zoe by asking her to marry him.
the family
Zoe and Ryan both come from loving, supportive families who have been with the couple all the way.
They travelled for hundreds of miles to be with Zoe and Ryan on the day in Scotland
Mary was absolutely the best celebrant we could ever ask for.
Our guests loved her just as much as we did.
She made our ceremony fun and lighthearted, which is exactly what we needed.
We really couldn’t have asked for a better person, we couldn’t be happier!
Zoe and Ryan
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